Epidemiologists are public health professionals who investigate patterns and causes of disease and injury in humans. They seek to reduce the risk and occurrence of negative health outcomes through research, community education and health policy. Epidemiologists collect and analyze data through observations, interviews, surveys, and clinical samples to find the causes of diseases or other health problems. These professionals typically oversee public health programs, administer and evaluate health safety standards, plan and direct studies to investigate disease, prevention, and treatment, investigate, monitor and report infectious diseases to government entities, and communicate findings to health practitioners, policymakers, and the public.
Sample Job Titles
Chronic Disease Epidemiologist, Communicable Disease Specialist, Environmental Epidemiologist, Epidemiologist, Epidemiology Investigator, Research Analyst, Data Analyst, Infection Control Practitioner (ICP), Public Health Epidemiologist, Research Epidemiologist, State Epidemiologist, Tribal Affairs Epidemiologist, Pharmacoepidemiologist, Molecular Epidemiologist, Cancer Epidemiologist, Epidemic Intelligence Service Member, Social Epidemiologist, Injury Epidemiologist, Research Scientist (Assistant/Associate), Crisis Control and Prevention Specialist, Epidemiology Surveillance Specialist/Coordinator, Infection Preventionist, Zoonotic Disease Specialist, Foodborne Epidemiologist, Waterborne Epidemiologist, Vectorborne Epidemiologist, Health Officer
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