Environmental & Occupational Health, Injury Prevention
Environmental and occupational health is a very broad field within public health which includes ensuring that food is inspected for possible contaminants, workplaces and public facilities (such as swimming pools and daycare centers) are free of possible injury-causing situations or infectious disease-causing issues, and health rules are followed. This may involve collecting data and analyzing many types of work environments and work procedures. Specialists inspect workplaces for adherence to regulations on safety, health, and the environment. These professionals inspect, test, and evaluate workplace environments, equipment, and practices to ensure that they follow safety standards and government regulations, and prepare written reports on their findings. The field also includes toxicologists who research potentially harmful chemicals (in food, drugs, or consumer products), individuals who manage environmental health research projects, people who design workplaces to ensure that workers are less likely to be injured, and environmental policy specialists.
Sample Job Titles
Environmental Health Specialist (Health Inspector/Sanitarian)/ Environmental Science and Protection Technician, Hazardous Materials Specialist, Poisoning Prevention Coordinator, Toxicologist, Climate Change & Health Specialist, Industrial Hygienist, Employee Wellness Manager, Risk Control Consultant, Natural Sciences Manager, Occupational Health and Safety Specialist, Industrial Ecologist, Health Physicist/Physics Teacher, Postsecondary Health Physicist, Environmental Scientist/Specialist, Injury Prevention Specialist, Environmental Justice Program Manager, Change Control Manager, Environmental Consultant
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